Complete & Partial Denture Procedures

Dental implants have helped in changing the way people live. But your gums and jawbone will eventually shrink, which means the dentures may not fit as well as they used to and can become loose, or they may become worn. It's important to see your dentist every six months to check the condition and fit of your dentures and to look for any signs of irritation or gum disease so they can be treated immediately.

Pregnant women and people with chronic illness or immunosuppression (due to the increased risk of infection during surgery), children (because their jawbones are still developing) and people who grind or clench their teeth (this habit can put too much pressure on implants) are not good candidates for dental implants.

Consult your dentist - see your dentist if dentures break, chip, crack or become loose. Without proper stimulation from tooth roots, your jawbone will continue to cam i eat normal with dentures deteriorate, causing your jaws to change shape, and eventually lead to your denture no longer fitting.

During the next appointment, your dentist will try-in the waxed-up dentures. Implant Retained dentures are effective in providing stability and increased chewing force. With advances in technology, implants can also be used to support removable partial dentures, improving the fit while reducing the size of the appliance.

All on 4 Dental Implants 1 year review. This can take several months as changes may develop in the shape of the gums and bone during the healing process. More skilful Clinical Dental Technicians are able to produce the denture base using multiple colour tones, to perfectly recreate natural gum colours.

Even in very rough conditions, these implants are likely to keep the dentures in place. Having even a single healthy, natural tooth aids the stability of the denture to a significant degree. While old people are more likely to use dentures than younger people, because they have lived longer and are expected to lose more teeth, dentures can be used by anyone suffering tooth loss.

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